Really Some People Should Not Go Public On Topics Where Their Technical Insight Is Not Really Up to Speed.

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Really Some People Should Not Go Public On Topics Where Their Technical Insight Is Not Really Up to Speed.

This appeared last week

Safeguarding Patient Confidentiality in Accessing Electronic Health Records

Guest: Kylie Ward
Presenter: Henry Acosta
Guest Bio: Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward has had a successful and celebrated career as a Nursing Leader and Health and Aged Care Executive in Australia for over 20 years. She has held positions of Managing Director, Director of Clinical Operations, Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Director of the Division of Medicine, Associate Director of Women’s and Children’s Health and Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery in three major health services in NSW and Victoria. She has been a NUM, After Hours Coordinator, Campus Manager, Bed Manager and Patient Flow Manager. Her clinical background is in intensive care and aged care.
Kylie has enjoyed a long history with ACN and the organisations that ACN is founded upon, RCNA and the College of Nursing. After years of membership and involvement in both organisations including RCNA Chapter Chair of Sydney West Kylie was awarded Fellowship of both organisations in 2007. In 2009 Kylie was awarded a Wharton Fellowship from the University of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Understanding the history and commitment of these two great organisations to nursing professionalism in Australia Kylie is committed to honouring the past to lead the Australian College of Nursing as a dynamic and influential key professional organisational well into the future.
Segment overview: In today’s Health Supplier Segment, we are joined by returning guest Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward from the Australian College of Nursing here to discuss the topic of Electronic Health Records of Patients and their safety. According to Kylie, a national shared electronic health record means that as people move between health care providers, or even move between states, clinical professionals have a single trusted source of information. This information that could be vital such as a person’s allergies or medications, they can quickly and easily access. She also said that the ACN supports moves towards a national op-out approach to My Health Record and wants to ensure the vast majority of Australians take up this opportunity to improve their health care. Kylie mentioned that security concerns could play a factor in people choosing to wait to participate. She believes that nurses must be involved in the development, implementation and ongoing maintenance of My Health Record.
There is 10 minutes of audio here where you will hear just how deep a dive she has taken into the myHR, its safely and workings.
It really is sad we cannot have a better informed debate on the myHR in my view. Kylie is just emblematic – sadly – of the ‘some technology is good, so more must be better’ brigade.
There is nothing personal here – I am sure she is a lovely person as most nurses are – but I do which she would stick to the areas where she has expertise as she obviously has in nursing!

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